I love this dish because its simple to make and incredibly versatile! Try this VEGETARIAN (with VEGAN options) first, tell me what you think and then make it your own! Don’t forget to tag @jenncancook in your posts!
Yield: 1.5 quart

Super simple mise en place (French for “everything in place”) This is super important when cooking but especially in this dish because it requires CONSTANT stirring.
1 c asparagus; washed and 1″ cut
2c mushroom (choose your favorite); washed and sliced
4c vegetable stock
1c arborio rice
4T butter; unsalted (VEGAN OPTION: high quality extra virgin olive oil)
1/2c fresh parmesan cheese (VEGAN OPTION: nutritional yeast)
2T cooking oil (not pictured)
Kosher salt – to taste (not pictured)
*Arborio Rice – this is short grain rice with a high starch content and can be found in your local grocery store.

Super simple mise en place (French for “everything in place”) This is super important when cooking but especially in this dish because it requires CONSTANT stirring.
1 c asparagus; washed and 1″ cut
2c mushroom (choose your favorite); washed and sliced
4c vegetable stock
1c arborio rice
4T butter; unsalted (VEGAN OPTION: high quality extra virgin olive oil)
1/2c fresh parmesan cheese (VEGAN OPTION: nutritional yeast)
2T cooking oil (not pictured)
Kosher salt – to taste (not pictured)
*Arborio Rice – this is short grain rice with a high starch content and can be found in your local grocery store.

1. Saute the asparagus just until it turns bright green – DO NOT overcook. It should be crunchy at this stage! 2. Add a little salt for flavor 3. When done, remove and keep the liquid in pan 4. Be sure stock is still warm and not boiling!

1. With the seasoned liquid and oil still in the sauce pan, add all the rice and stir until liquid is all absorbed This is called parching the rice 2. Turn heat DOWN to medium low (4 out of 10) 3. Constantly stir

1. Add 1/2c of warm stock to the rice
2. Constantly sir
My friend and Chef, Stephanie Paganini taught me to make this dish. She said it was awesome for a guest or a child who is wanting to help.. The only step is to literally stir! Smart woman!
The reason for having the heat on medium low is for the rice to slowly absorb the stock, too high and it absorbs to fast ending up with a crunchy core… yup, gross!

When the liquid is absorbed, add another 1/2c of stock and STIR STIR STIR repeating the process until its all used up.
The starches will begin to release showing off a beautiful texture

1. When all the liquid is absorbed remove from heat 2. Add mushroom and asparagus and stir 3. Add butter one cube at a time until melts (VEGAN OPTION – Add small amount of Extra Virgin Olive Oil)

My favorite part of ANY DISH is adding the cheese! Throw it all in and stir! (VEGAN OPTION add nutritional yeast)
Now its time to adjust seasoning. The cheese adds salt to the dish. If seasoning is done before the cheese is added it may be too salty, which would be a huge bummer.
Taste and adjust and taste again!
